I went outside earlier to get the mail and were dark clouds gathering, there were still some lighter clouds and some light that was showing through. It looked like there was a storm beginning to brew. It looked beautiful and powerful. A force to be reckoned with. It reminds me of life and people, sometimes we as people have something within us that is waiting to come to light and waiting to be seen. It may look dark and ominous and scary, but really isn't. That seems to be a metaphor for life, many things appear to be worse than they really are. Things that appear as incredible mountains that cannot be climbed or overcome, and just when one believes them to be impossible they begin to surpass imaginations and believed preconceived notions. It's funny how life works.
I'm watching "Once Upon A Time" and they're talking about untold stories and there's nothing more scarier than untold stories and people who don't want them to be told. That, in one way, can be seen as similar as the storms I was referring to earlier. When there are untold stories and people who don't want them to be told or don't want others finding out about them, that alone can at some point reveal a storm waiting to be shown. A storm that is either hidden or incredibly suppressed. A storm that maybe the untold stories or people behind them, don't want seen. Stories that could reveal a darker or perhaps unforgivable past or secrets. Characteristics that others might not accept so easily. Morals that are not as pure or righteous as others would believe.
Yeah, I know a few people like that. Some of them are even in my "family". I use quotations because these are people that have shown their true colors and those colors are not particularly bright. Or as bright as they would like others to believe.
I should also mention that these storms that I refer to can also have a different side, a more secured or grounded force behind them. Sometimes a storm can reveal strength and a sense of stability. Storms require light and dark, a balance of the two. Then again I'm so tired right now I'm probably just typing nothingness. Although I feel there is some truth to it all. There has to be, doesn't there? It's all about finding balance, can there be all good with no bad? Can there be all bad with no good? Can there be all pure with no sins? Aren't we all sinners after all, because we are human. We were born sinners and that's okay. That's life. It's how we view it all and how we view each other. What we see and what others, and what we want others to see. We can only try to be our best selves and try to be honest. Try to be good. I've heard it said long ago, we must do good. Not only well but to do good. It's not enough to do well we must also do good. (And for the record I first that lesson from the finale of Boy Meets World, Mr. Feeney said it, wise man.)
Regardless, I think I've typed enough for one night. Last night, well early in the morning like around midnight or 1am, I felt extremely sick to my stomach and took some medication that essentially knocked me out. It's to help with nausea but it makes me extremely tired and go in and out of sleep. So I'm still sleepy and tired and need to finish watching Once Upon A Time before cleaning up the kitchen and then sleep.
The picture that I'm uploading I just really like and find it beautiful. A beautiful full moon and the stars, quite relaxing and calming.
Until the next post.
Bon nuit! Jusqu'a la prochain ecriture. (Until the next write)

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