Going Places....In the Cathedrals
Going through photos from when I went to New York for the first time, back in March of 2008. While I was there I got to see Phantom of the Opera at The Majestic Theatre, where the infamous chandelier was right up towards me. I was close to or in the middle by the orchestra pit. I went there with other members of the high school band and as soon as we got back to our hotel rooms, I got a call from my mom telling me I was auntie for the first time. That was the night Ashlynn was born. I remember when we took the Radio City Music Hall tour, I recall seeing the stage and thinking "One day." To see the steps where Shirley Temple once walked up and down among many other amazing people. Incredible to say the least!
I would love to go back and visit New York, to see another Broadway show, walk the streets, shop in the stores, see the people...I suppose I want to just travel a bit, I have a bit of a wandering spirit at times and a traveling one as well. I like to feel grounded and have a feeling of stability, however travelling sounds really nice. To be honest going up to the mountains sounds nice as well.
The photo I have first uploaded is one of the cathedrals that I photographed. I really like it in black and white and find beauty in cathedrals and ancient architecture, there's something about the history in a building or location that fascinates me. What has happened in that place, what are its histories, what secrets lay beneath and intertwined within itself? I think about when I read "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett and the beauty in the architecture and secrets that can and usually do lay beneath. I think of medieval architecture an history and even going into Vatican City and its histories. Now there are some secrets and stories to be told and that will probably never will be told.
When I think of cathedrals I tend to think of some of these things but I also tend to think of the holy embodiment of the building. The spiritual feelings or possibly awakenings and effects these buildings can have on someone.
To travel is to explore and see new places in a way you haven't done before, it's gaining perspectives you might not have otherwise known. It's incredible to think of all the things we as human beings have yet to see, feel, play, touch, explore, love, grow, like, admire, respect, honor, appreciate...there are many things out there and we have yet to experience them. There are times when I try to explore or travel in my mind, although sometimes travelling and exploring doesn't have to happen worlds away. There are times when we can experience people and situations in our own backyard or even our neighbor's yards. Sometimes it starts with where we are and who we are, and then we can go from there. There are different paths to choose and we may wander, but wandering isn't always being lost. They are not always the same thing, are they?
Although I will say at times being lost can be exciting and lead to new destinations or untraveled roads. Yes, at times it can be scary and different, but sometimes that's what we need.
In the end we will all be okay, I mean relatively okay. Things might now always go our way or end up the way we think or hope they might, however it will be alright. Doesn't always seem it, I've heard it said: It's always darkest before the dawn." There is truth in that. Situations always seem worse than they are in the moment we live them. I know that all sounds easier said than done, and you're right. You're absolutely right. We will make it through regardless, we don't always know how until that moment but we have to trust that it will be alright. We must take responsibilities for our actions, our words, our attitudes, and do what we feel is best. All we can do is what we feel is best in the moment we do them. We have to trust our instincts and just go for it. Do something. Again, easier said than done, I know. Even I can't convince myself it's that simple. Nor would I want to, to be completely honest. I wouldn't want to because all the hardships and problems that we go through define us and who we are, who we've been, and who we will become. One of my favorite quotes is from the show Criminal Minds, "Scars remind us where we've been. But they don't have to dictate where we're going."
Truer words never were spoken.
Alas, c'est la vie! This is life!
I would like to travel back to New York and travel to these cathedrals and others, this one in the particular photo being St. Patrick's Cathedral.
I didn't get a chance to fully try and take in the building and the feeling of it. We were kind of rushed in and within minutes taken out. I do recall there being candles lit and other people in there besides ourselves.
I also recall us walking by the Dakota building where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived, and we were not shown the building, nor was any of that mentioned. What was mentioned was the bridge that was used in Home Alone. We also never got to see, or again have mentioned, Strawberry Fields. That saddens me, it does because of what it represents. At the time I do not believe I fully understood or recognized what these locations places meant, but I do now.
Well, I feel I have written or typed enough for one night/early morning. Here's to traveling and more pictures I'll have to post and talk about later.

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