Listen to that Ragtime!

I am doing yet another show, Ragtime. I'm quite tired and don't know how much I will write but felt I should type something.
This show is very important and is extremely powerful, it's a show many should and need to see. There are some fun and sweet, touching moments but man are there some powerful ones. Hearing G.B. (Blackmond III) sing "Make Them Hear You" oh my good God. When we as a cast got to sit in the audience and watch him sing it and then the scene that follows, we were all in tears and needed a moment. Rob (Hypes) our director gave us 20 minutes of a break. I can't wait for people to hear and see it. I feel honored and truly humbled to be in this show, with this cast. I almost didn't audition, just wasn't sure and still packing and just didn't know, but I'm glad I did. I really am glad I did.

Rob has been wanting to do this show for years and finally got the rights to do it, and was kind and told us that this was the show he has been waiting for, the cast and show he has been waiting for since 2004. And he doesn't go around saying that every show he does, I've done a lot of shows with him.

Unfortunately I am fighting off being sick. So my throat has been a little sore and hurts a little to swallow, bring on the Vitamin C and Vitamin D and my B-12 complex liquid. I need sleep and a nice relaxing bath. My sinuses are acting up as well, so that's all fun. We open in 2 days though, well technically tomorrow because of what time it is. I still need to get my makeup off. There's more I want to say about this show, well I will say this; it's powerful because it's not just a show with music, it's not just a musical that has these characters. These are stories, and stories that matter and represent real people and real situations. That happen to have music to it to help aid with those said stories. The show takes place in 1906 but it's crazy and sad to think that things are not all that different. We've changed in some areas but in others, not so much. There are real people in the show, Emma Goldman was a woman who was an activist and anarchist, a woman who believed in fighting for what she felt was right and fight for others and their rights and gave an influential speech at Union Square. J.P. Morgan is in the show and was a real man who made money off of immigrants and others and took advantage of people for the sake of money. Booker T. Washington was a real man who inspired many people of color and created the Tuskegee Institute to help inspire and educate people of color and to give them proper education. To help better these people who deserved to have good education. Evelyn Nesbit was a woman who got caught up in the "Crime of the Century" when her husband Harry K. Thaw killed her lover Stanford White. She became the "it-girl" and was the world's first supermodel, sorry Janice Dickinson.
Anyways, the point is that this show represents real situations and shows the lives of immigrants (primarily from Eastern Europe), Harlem, and New Rochelle.

When I started this post, I was starting the show or rehearsals not sure which, and that was months ago. Now today is October 7, 2017.
I didn't realize this wasn't published and left as a draft. Ragtime was a great show to be a part of, it was a powerful show. It was emotionally draining and physically but for good reason. It showed people that this show takes place in 1906 and that there are not that many differences from then and now.

So, I thought I finished this post and posted it. Because today is January 29, 2018 and it was unfinished and saved as a draft. Well, time has passed and the show is still a very meaningful one. We are in a time when we need to stand together more and learn or try to meet in the middle on some things. Otherwise, nothing will ever get done. I get it, sometimes we feel obligated and rooted to what we believe in that we will not budge or look at other perspectives because why do so? Why do so when we already know where each other stands? But we will get nowhere and fall divided if we allow that to continue. Or at least allow that to continue or certain things. Yes, there are things we should stand strong in what we believe in because it is important to stand firm in our beliefs that have gotten us to where we are in life. It is important to stand strong in solidarity and our beliefs when others try to knock us down or don't understand.
My personal belief is that it is also important to see different perspectives. Now that doesn't mean we have to like the opposition, or respect the other side, or agree with the other side. I just mean to be able to see where the other side is coming from. I remember learning that back in 7th or 8th grade English with Mr. Halford when he taught us about debates and had us to do them. Sometimes seeing the other side(s) can also help you see the weaknesses and flaws as well as their strengths. Which can end up helping your side even more.

I recall thinking back to what I learned in one of my history classes at Merced College, a historical fun fact as it were that seems interesting when thinking about today and today's politics...That being that our founding fathers hated each other. They really did hate each other and yet they were able to come together in the hot and humid summer with no air conditioning and windows closed up. They were able to come together and build what would become our country, the United States. Yet in today's world, our politicians and leaders can't do things together or come up with ideas and learn to meet in the middle or find compromises for the better of our country? Then again there's much more to disagree on and a lot more opinions going around and more issues and decisions that need to be made, right>

Well, I'm not sure how I got this topic and didn't stay on Ragtime. However, I am proud to have been a part of the show and to be in the biggest cast Playhouse has really had yet. Great show and until the next one. Got to be Olivia in 12th Night for Shakespeare Fest in Merced. This coming Saturday I'll audition for The Taming of the Shrew. So we'll see.



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