Who are you...sincerely Chelsea

If all the people that taunted me or hurt me or degraded me in some way saw me doing well, and saw me making a difference, would they look at me different? Would they see me as a better person just because I took that step, just because I became a better person? Or would they still think of me as someone they thought they knew? Someone they never gave a chance to get to know better? .....
You know, I couldn't really tell you. I really couldn't...
Who's to say except for them. People can see me as who they like, people can judge me how they like, but they will never truly know until they become open-minded and give me that chance. Don't well deserve that chance, before the judgment? Before the ridicule?
Well I think we do if that counts for anything.
I think everyone is a special person and I want to know what makes you different. I want to know why you do judge others, why you do ridicule others. I want to know who made you who you are today, good or bad...I want to know why you do give people that chance before judgment and ridicule. There's a reason behind every movement. There's some known or hidden motive. Maybe you know it, maybe don't. Maybe everyone else even thinks they know it even when you don't. Maybe and maybe not.
I want to give you a chance to explain or simply tell your side of the story, whatever you want. Maybe it's a fictional story, maybe it's a different time period and you're stuck in another. Maybe you are Alice falling down the rabbit hole, I don't know for certain. Tell me.
Tell me who you are and who or what do you aspire to be?
Sincerely Chelsea


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