Life of an artist...We need each other, isn't it obvious?

I find being an artist, there's always something to improve, something to do, and something to perfect. There's criticism around every corner, and yet we will always be our own biggest critics. It's about finding that balance, that balance that keeps us humble, a master at our crafts or trying to perfect it. That balance that keeps us on our toes and trying to find something new and exciting. Finding that thing that will make us finally reach the stars.
We try to share what we're thinking and try to express who we really are or who we try to be, to the audience. We want to share with the audience a piece of our world, what we're thinking, if only for them to catch a glimpse. Maybe you can't understand, half the time we don't understand it ourselves, but it's fun to try and find it with the audience, try to discover something new.
Being an artist is is sculpting our own world, trying to shape and mold our minds and feelings out on clay. Try transform as best as we can onto paper or through dance, or even through music. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes years to finally get it out of our systems in the most perfect or brilliant way we can. We want to share with you who we are and thoughts and feelings. We want to share with you our most personal and inner desires that normally would be too personal or intense for others.
It's not always easy to share with you that, but we have to let go and shake it off. We have to release frustrations and anger, as well as the joy and pain. Otherwise it gets bottled up and secluded to some part in brains, our hearts. That can create tension and heartache. And sometimes we get terrible criticism for sharing these pains and feelings. Sometimes no empathy or sympathy, but we carry on.
It's not just artists who feel this way, maybe that's why the relationship between artist/performer and audience is crucial. That's why there's that special bond, because we can relate to each other in ways the other cannot. A fighter cannot express his pain and triumph onto paper or song and dance, but you can still relate and empathize with him because you know that same pain, you know that same struggle just in a different way.
A bond between each other is important, we must be connected. Without one there is no other.
You don't get the same energy with empty seats as you do with a full house.
Each other is crucial. We need each other.
You are just as important as me, if not more so.
We have to have someone to relate to, otherwise....what do we have?....You tell me.
You tell me.
It's the life of an artist, it's not always easy. By the way there is no such thing as overnight success, it takes years in the making. Just so you know, fun fact.
But we need each other, isn't it obvious, we need each other.
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