Is it so hard, really?! For all the mothers...

Don't you always feel better when you get things done and are also able to do things for loved ones, like your mom on Mother's Day. It's great when you can do these things every day, or as much as you are able.
Does it really take that much to pick up a phone and call your mom and say, "I love you, Happy Mother's Day..." maybe you're busy and you aren't able to go into full conversation, but when you call you at least made an effort. That's the more important thing. Even if you're not on the best of terms, you can at least make one phone call. Maybe more than the one day of the year would be great. It shouldn't be limited to one day of the year, after all they did give birth to us and raise us. And if they weren't the ones who gave birth then they were at least the ones that took you in and and gave you a home and a place to sleep and food to eat. They were the ones that at least acted as a mom for you. So just some days out of the year or month and make an effort give a visit or at least make a phone call. You can't be that busy, can you? You can't take one minute to 5 minutes? ....

Well I'm tired and had a productive day and just thought I'd write down how I feel some people take advantage of their mothers and family members and don't appreciate what they have enough. And for those who have lost a mother, I am very sorry and may God bless you. It must be a hard day and not easy, so my condolences are with you.

Good night and God bless all of the hard working mothers out there that have put up with their kids when others would not.


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