Thank you Maya much to say and do....
Not sure what to type out, most of what I say is either in conversation or I write it down in my journal, because I'm a bit of an old soul. I'm still praying for all of those victims that were affected by the Las Vegas shooting massacre. The worst in out history to date, and there have been a few. We seem to have surpassed that a couple times within the last few years or so. Over 500 injured and 59 dead. IT just doesn't even seem real. People, as usual, were quick to politicize the tragedy and make it into a political ordeal. Which yes, I understand people are mad that this happened. It should never have been able to have happened. People say too soon while others say not soon enough, regarding the gun control issue. Here's what I think, it's not about people in general having guns, it's more that these people involved or that cause these mass shootings; should not be allowed to buy assault weapons. Those weapons, for the most part were legal to buy. I say 'for the most part' because he was using clips that were more on a sniper's level of weaponry. There's more to it than that, there always usually is. I wished that late night show hosts would instead of opening with a monologue every night and doing thank you notes, open the show with musicians and songs, or for the most part country musicians considering it was a country music festival. And considering an hour before, Big and Rich had the crows singing "God Bless America". One hour before the shooting happened. They always do that for all of their shows and invite military up to the stage and dedicate it to them, sad for all of this to have happened. Heartbreaking.
I need to do some more cleaning so that the house is cleaned and put together when my mom has her biopsy on Thursday, October 12th, 2017. I am praying that it is nothing serious, no cancer. Until then what I can do is more around the house, get it cleaned and put together, get some things taken care of including jury duty, and keep working on French. Go over new vocabulary and read French articles, I started using again this app called "Hello Talk". It's great because you can communicate and talk with people from other countries and learn new languages, practice new languages from people who come from those speaking countries. It's a very useful tool. You don't have to say where you're from and can talk with or communicate with these different types of people from all over the world. It's pretty cool actually.
I have not been feeling too well and up and down, however I would rather be able to get a few things and done and go clean the bathrooms and sweep and mop the floors. I also need to make dinner soon enough: hot dogs and macaroni salad. A real chef inspired meal tonight. I should probably go now, I enjoy typing and writing however...all things must pass (Guess the artist, music artist...legend, very inspiring man, was a part of a very quirky and yet influential band that began in the 1960s...British....had their US Debut on the Ed Sullivan Show...).
Well, the day is starting to come to evening and it's still light outside but will be getting dimmer soon enough. Work to be done, at least what I can do today. Also need to wash my car and vacuum it. Not sure what video or song I should leave with this post, I'll think of something. Maybe I'll also find a quote to end this with as well.
I've had this quote in my head for a few days...
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou
"I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they're stones that don't matter. As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good." ~Maya Angelou

I need to do some more cleaning so that the house is cleaned and put together when my mom has her biopsy on Thursday, October 12th, 2017. I am praying that it is nothing serious, no cancer. Until then what I can do is more around the house, get it cleaned and put together, get some things taken care of including jury duty, and keep working on French. Go over new vocabulary and read French articles, I started using again this app called "Hello Talk". It's great because you can communicate and talk with people from other countries and learn new languages, practice new languages from people who come from those speaking countries. It's a very useful tool. You don't have to say where you're from and can talk with or communicate with these different types of people from all over the world. It's pretty cool actually.
I have not been feeling too well and up and down, however I would rather be able to get a few things and done and go clean the bathrooms and sweep and mop the floors. I also need to make dinner soon enough: hot dogs and macaroni salad. A real chef inspired meal tonight. I should probably go now, I enjoy typing and writing however...all things must pass (Guess the artist, music artist...legend, very inspiring man, was a part of a very quirky and yet influential band that began in the 1960s...British....had their US Debut on the Ed Sullivan Show...).
Well, the day is starting to come to evening and it's still light outside but will be getting dimmer soon enough. Work to be done, at least what I can do today. Also need to wash my car and vacuum it. Not sure what video or song I should leave with this post, I'll think of something. Maybe I'll also find a quote to end this with as well.
I've had this quote in my head for a few days...
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou
"I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they're stones that don't matter. As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good." ~Maya Angelou

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