NOH8...why is it important?

It's important because it's time we get rid of all of this hatred and insecurities. Why in 2010 are we still going through all of this negativity towards gays, straights, transexuals, you name it. It's time we all say enough! Tomorrow April 15th is Day of Silence and to support NOH8. I've done it before at my high school before I graduated and I feel it's very important. It's not about the idea of supporting gays and bisexuals, it's more about supporting positivity towards them, and more importantly being against the abuse towards them. I had a fellow Christian friend get upset and refused to be a part of Day of Silence and why?...because she didn't understand that it wasn't necessarily supporting who people are, but again being against the abuse that people have towards people being who they are. Please everyone, do not be ignorant and naive to the facts and be a part of Day of Silence, make a difference. We can all do something, even if it's just being silent for one day, or if you have Twitter and you put a twibbon on, whatever it may be, even talking about it to someone, we can all do something. You can also simply write on your hand or face, NOH8. There really is no need for hatred or negativity, please help to stop it.


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